Terms of Use
Welcome to the website (“Website”) of Costa da Silva & Fernandes Rocha Sociedade de Advogados (CSFR Advogados), a law firm headquartered in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Av. Doutor Cardoso de Melo 1666, 5th floor, Vila Olímpia, CEP [Postal Code] 04548-005, holder of CNPJ/MF [Tax ID] No. 30.407.468/0001-66.
We request for you to read the terms and conditions of use below (“Terms of Use”) prior to the use of our Website and services offered by CSFR Advogados.
Purpose and Content
The CSFR Advogados Website, at www.csfr.com.br, aims to provide institutional information about the firm and its members. The information provided on the Website has merely informative content, and should not be considered legal recommendations, legal opinions, or any type of consultancy. Your use of the Website does not create a client-attorney relationship with CSFR Advogados.
CSFR Advogados may supply links to other websites for the purpose of providing easy information to the User and, as CSFR Advogados has no control over such websites or external resources, the information and content of the external links indicated on this Website are not responsibility of CSFR Advogados.
CSFR Advogados reserves the right to improve, correct and update the information provided on the Website, and is not responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the Website, such as: equipment failure, connection, data transmission, errors, interruptions, delay in its operation, computer viruses, failures in the telecommunications system or in the connection provider, as well as any incompatibility between the Website and your files or your browser.
All content made available on the Website is the sole and exclusive property of CSFR Advogados or has been duly licensed to CSFR Advogados and is protected by Intellectual Property laws. These Terms of Use do not grant any license or assignment of intellectual property rights, and you are not authorized to reproduce–without the express consent of CSFR Advogados–any part of the Website or its content, subject to the penalties provided for in the applicable legislation.
Amendments to the Terms of Use
CSFR Advogados may amend any part of the Website, information or these Terms of Use. If the Terms of Use are amended, CSFR Advogados will publish the amendments on the Website, entering the latest date of update as indicated below. By continuing to use the Website, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use as amended.
The use of the CSFR Advogados website assumes agreement with our Terms of Use.
+55 11 3846-1669
Av. Doutor Cardoso de Melo 1666 – 5th floor – Vila Olímpia – São Paulo – SP – CEP 04548-005